A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who attended our VCSE Wellbeing Retreat and Strategic Planning Day last week. 

We had over 130 people visit the events at Hawkwood and have been blown away by the feedback we have received so far!

 gathering from out the front Day two 1 gate Food 

Landscape 1 Gong bath Nature Crafts Day two 2

"Huge congrats to you and your team for putting together something so magical."

"I had the best day - everything was so nice. The event was so well put together. Thank you so much for having me!"

"At the start of the day a heard a couple of particpiants talking about feeling stressed with their workload, and worrying that they shouldn’t have taken the day for themselves. By the end of the day, people were so relaxed, networking and saying how glad they had come, and that they were really restored! It was so good to hear. "

"I chose Red - and loved the Boro stitching, circus skills and 'ghostly' water colour painting this afternoon.  All three of the tutors were excellent - I could have done an extra hour with all of them! It was so great to switch off from the day job and such a lovely place...and a delicious lunch too!" 

"This was so needed! Time out of a busy schedule is so hard to get, to have something organised that focuses on wellbeing is wonderful. It has been lovely to connect with others from the VCS. Most importantly fantastic to have time for myself. I am refreshed!"

"Thank you so very much for organising this event - it's so helpful that someone has recognised the need to help the VCS with wellbeing. It really helps us to feel valued."

"It's been a lovely day, felt very special. Again next year please!"

"Thoroughly enjoyable day - Grateful!"

 "Its been an amazing day, restorative, re-energising and a chance to reconnect."