INTRODUCTION Lloyds Bank Foundation is developing a new strategy for the period 2023- 2026 and beyond.

Central to this new Strategy is our ambition to help catalyse and support new collaborations to help influence and change policy, practice, funding and systems at a local level.

The Foundation recognises that people facing complex challenges need a wide variety of solutions and agencies to support them to get back on their feet. However, many local partnerships face challenges in creating better impact due to competition, funding, power imbalances, lack of time, exclusion etc.

In particular, collaborations are too often top down and ‘done to’ people and communities and those closest to them, such as small charities and community organisations, rather than building from the bottom up.

We think that the Foundation may have a role to play in acting as an honest broker, providing opportunities to bring people together to iron out some of the challenges to collaborative working and we want to develop a programme of funding and support to do that.

We want to answer three questions:

  1. What are the critical success factors that make collaborations work?
  2. What are the factors which might make them fail?
  3. How can we as a Foundation provide funding and support to maximise the chance of success and minimise that of failure?

You can find out more by clicking the link below. 

pdf LBFEW Consultancy Support Tender Aug 2022